Article by Anni Sennov – December 2015
The Anti-Power in our daily lives include, among other things, the many negative energies that swirl around in the air all over the Earth in connection with war, terrorism and people on the run. These giant overall energy imbalances between large populations, political and religious beliefs, etc. may never be solved by a smaller group of helpful people with good intentions who choose to send lots of healing and love to the crisis areas. The unconditional love that is sent to everyone in the crisis areas – in the hopes that their situation will soon improve – is also inadvertently sent to the bad guys, who rarely use this energy in the intended way.
The more love you send in the bad guy’s direction, the more they believe that God is with them in all that they do. So try just for a moment to put yourself in fanatical peoples’ place before you begin to shower them with unconditional love energy. They may not know where this energy is coming from, and therefore conclude that it is the highest power that is honoring them in relation to the things that they do.
For example, not long ago, local people who lived in totally ‘untouched’ areas in Africa, the Amazon and Papua New Guinea thought that traveling scientists, who were quite fair skinned, were spirits from another world. The cultural gap was simply too great, and it still is in many places on Earth where people have different perspectives on freedom, compassion and success.
Not all people on Earth think alike and often they come from very different places in our solar system and in Cosmos, giving them a different perspective on life. This is why integration is needed on all levels on Planet Earth to help people, communities and countries, etc., to increase their awareness in a new direction. It may happen when refugees are integrated into a new society under the conditions that apply to the new country, and where the host country shows an openness and willingness to make room for people who have a different view of life, without compromising its own values. Here the refugees will integrate the new country’s values into their life, unless they are brought together in ghettos, where their birth cultures instead are converted into subcultures in the new country.
Integration is also necessary to learn to understand how people in other countries, cultures, environments and religions think, so that future disasters and crises can be avoided. Although we get daily updates about the situation in the world through countless media, we cannot always be sure who the real villains and true victims are in different contexts. This is because espionage, counter-espionage, hacking, political manipulation, conspiracy theories, rumors and corruption are still used to a degree that far surpasses the former Cold War between the US and Russia. Therefore, I would not recommend that you or anyone else begin to play God in the living room by sending love to everyone involved in a crisis, when you do not know how the energy is likely to be managed by its receivers. People must often be very clean in their consciousness to be able to manage the high-frequency energy of love in a fair and balanced way.
However, if you choose to step out and get involved in places that need an energy boost, the situation is somewhat different. Then you have the option to evaluate the situation with your own eyes, on site, whether it is the people, the culture or something else that is in need of the energy boost. So, in all places and situations in which you choose to involve yourself, not just with your brain and thoughts or your consciousness, but with your whole body and mind, you can operate as a physically active player in the ‘fight’ for a better world. In such a circumstance you are allowed to balance the energies around you and do everything you can to change the energy in and around the things you are passionate about, because then you are a part of the energy and the situation yourself.
You cannot allow yourself to pass other people’s houses and send energy to them, without them first requesting it. Neither you nor anyone else has the right to interfere in other people’s lives unless there is a risk of negative consequences for them or for others. However, you can always choose to fight for what you believe in and are passionate about, be it children, animals and/or abused persons, etc., if you think you can contribute in a positive way.
So step out and participate in situations and places where you think that you can make a positive difference or support people and organizations who fight for what matters to you and that you believe in.
This is an excerpt from Anni Sennov’s newsletter #56, December 2015.