9th September 2014 @ 12:54
Have you also wondered why many adults today cannot live without going to the gym or run several times a week?
Often it seems like they cannot survive unless they challenge their physical body and they don’t feel content if they don’t get a chance to push their body to the limit.
If I told you that all adults are now about to crystallize in their body in their own pace, would that explain to you why some of these adults act like addicts or freaks?
To me it explains everything, because most people who have not had an AuraTransformation™ still surround themselves with a soul aura and if they upgrade their body energy by going to the gym on a daily basis and they thereby crystallize in the body in a fast pace without having their aura upgraded to the same frequency, they often feel like dying when not challenging and feeling their body.
So do you get the point ???
Those gym freaks try to get in contact with the Crystal energy and/or the Golden energy by exercising but they cannot keep the high frequency when staying together with other people who also surround themselves with a soul aura.
An AuraTransformation™ will for sure make a lot of them feel much better :o)