8th March 2016 @ 00:18
I don’t know how you feel, now that more and more people in many places have started to act in a more hostile and unkind way towards other people, who don’t have the same religion as themselves. I know this has always been the case but back in the days there were a reason for it being, that not many people were conscious on a spiritual level.
Today, people ought to be much more conscious about integrating and accepting each other and accepting and integrating new ways of doing things. As modern people of the 19th Century who are influenced by the New Time children, they ought to be able to look behind the curtain and see and understand that religion should not be a barometer of whether one can accept other people or not. For my part, I have actually started to believe much more in God or the Highest Source and less in religion, which to me represents the framework in which people choose to express their faith.
I know that this is not how most people around the World relate to God but on a personal level I can no longer accept most of the manmade guidelines for how people should live to be true believers in God. When I have been in contact with God myself, I have NEVER received physical guidelines for how I should live, behave or act. This is not how God communicates with me, because we are always communicating on a spiritual level, where there are no specific rules for how I should live except from being a loving and caring person towards myself and others.
In fact, it’s those characteristics or skills or whatever you want to call ‘love’ and ‘caring’, that are the main reason why I can be in direct contact with God. They act as gatekeepers that make it possible for me to open the door to Heaven or to the Highest Source. If I was not a kind person, I am sure it would never be possible for me to communicate directly with God, because I would not be able to ‘dial’ the right number… and if I was so lucky to get through and my intentions were not good, I am not sure God would be listening to me.
Having good intentions for all people and getting in direct contact with the Highest Source always makes you incredibly happy. This is for sure the reason why some people with an unfortunate or criminal background, who suddenly start to believe in God, can never go back and be criminal again. Because when they have started to communicate with God, they NEVER want to cut the line again by starting to behave in a bad way, and why should they?
It’s much easier to follow your inner truth than to live your life on a lie ♥