11th March 2014 @ 20:58
The following text comes from my newsletter that was published back in June 2010 and since 2014 is also a Water year, the text is completely relevant again:
Every year has its own characteristics, and in this perspective 2010 (2014) is a ‘true’ WATER year, which we will feel on both the physical level and in our bodies. This means that we unfortunately will not have the best and most stable summer weather here in the northern latitudes where the sun tends to warm the people and the earth at this time of the year.
In 2010 (2014), there will be more flooding and water damage than usual, which happens especially in areas where the population and/or selected individuals are lacking flow at the human and consciousness levels. This is shown not just in large floods during 2010 (2014), but it might as well be milk or a jug with water, which suddenly slip out of ones hand to symbolize that there is too little flexibility and/or too little focus on the material condensed energy.
Water imbalances need not always be visible on the surface, although Water-people are best known for talking a lot and floating across other people’s boundaries without always being invited in advance. There may as well be emotional and/or mental flood in people’s minds when they have difficulty expressing themselves and their innermost feelings with the risk of going ‘in sane’.
Floods around the world and in various homes seem interestingly enough to happen primarily where there is too much Air element present. They happen in places where there are a lot of thoughts and wondering, or where people are trying ‘to figure it out’ and be smart and follow the ‘wave’, which is not allowed in the New Time.
In the New Time, everybody has to ‘get their hands dirty’ and be active on the physical level – including people who primary think and make plans, and even those who try to be smart on other people’s behalf – so they will have to learn what it means to be bodily and physical concrete with their energy. This will teach people who do not normally want to deal with their financial situation in a realistic way to relate to the concept of money as a natural resource.
It’s always risky, when there is no control of the flow, and overflow occurs because of mistakes, and maybe even flooding.
The Water element and its flow must simply be balanced, so it can learn to cope with the elements of Fire, Earth and Air, without any specific element taking full control. So it is probably not without reason that the Fire element is placed first in the sequence of elements, otherwise many of us on Planet Earth would run the risk of being drowned by our own flow !!!
We can thus thank the Fire element for helping us to burn for the right things in the right way, where the Water element helps us to keep the fire in balance and create flow around the things we are passionate about.
Overall, 2010 (2014) is a Water year, where people must learn to relate to the next element in the row – the Earth element – which we all will get to know next year. Flood occurs only where people try to overrule the importance of the Earth element – in the sense that a flood takes place on top of the Earth, without Water at first becomes one with the Earth. One can in other words say, that the Water is trying to meet the Air without taking into account the importance of Earth’s physical shape and form-creating force, and rarely people will get away with that… nor at a spiritual level.