6th July 2018 @ 13:43
It isn’t the Diamond energy that is being integrated into the human body of very spiritual people these days. It’s a higher vibration of the Crystal energy together with the Golden life force in Planet Earth.
So my best advice to those of you who want to raise the energy frequency in your body is to not focus on the Diamond energy. Then you risk getting seriously ill and have lots of physical pain in your body because the human body cannot yet handle the presence of the very high-frequency Diamond energy deep down at cell level.
The reason is that nothing in the physical world around you, except diamonds that are hidden deep in the ground, can match the very high-frequency Diamond energy that most spiritual people long for. Maybe a very few highly spiritual people who live separated from most other people somewhere on this planet can deal with the challenges that such a high-frequency energy expose them to. But then they have to stay in a very safe and protected environment where they are not exposed to any viruses and bad energies, which is almost impossible in today’s world.
Then you might think that wearing Diamond jewelry may help you to integrate and activate the Diamond energy in your body, and you couldn’t be more wrong. Because actually, the pure Diamond energy in the stones that many people wear, is not so strong that it can keep all external low-frequency imbalances away from them. Physical diamonds are always influenced by the persons who wear, touch and work with the diamonds.
So you have to be patient like most other spiritual people and try to stay at the Crystal and/or Crystal-Golden level for as long as possible while the energy in your body is being raised step by step instead of taking the elevator 100 floors up and down simultaneous at high speed, because that is how the Diamond energy works in the physical body at this very early stage of finding its way into the human body.
However, there is lots of work for you to do at the Crystal and Crystal-Golden levels with helping people all over the world to increase their energy at all levels. So you can actually make a huge positive impact on other people’s lives if you have the will and power to do it. So go out and change the world !!!
If something is holding you back, then your most important task right now is to find out what keeps you from doing what you are supposed to do here and now. If for some reason your biggest excuse is that you want to integrate and activate the Diamond energy first before helping others, then you may not be able to fulfil your life purpose in this life, because the Diamond energy that you long for cannot be seen on the physical level anywhere near us humans at the moment. So if it means so much to you to integrate the Diamond energy in your body now, I surely hope that you will survive. Because most likely you have to use most of your time trying to get in contact with the Diamond energy outside of your body, which is the direct way to sickness and soon death – because when doing that, you have to move your focus away from your physical body and try to pick up lots of small pieces of Diamond energy from outside the body that you can bring back into your body where the Diamond particles will most certainly not fit in right now.
This is a tough and time-consuming process that causes a lot of physical pain and imbalances in your body and mind, which is not good. So I really hope that you get my point and are conscious about why it is so important for you to NOT integrate the Diamond energy long before the Diamond Era has even started.
Unfortunately, I’ve been there myself, because the next level of New Time energies always come to me much sooner than they show their true and often demanding faces to most others, and without me asking for their presence. Unfortunately – and I do mean unfortunately – these challenging experiences are an important part of my dharma, and to be honest, it took a hell long time to stabilize the imbalances that the Diamond energy caused in my body, which I don’t wish that my worst enemy should ever experience. Then rather wait until the timing is right for most people to integrate this very powerful and exceedingly lucid energy in their bodies in a much more balanced way than I experienced.
Actually, most of the energy had to be sent back because I can make no reasonable use of it for the coming 10 or 20 years. The reason being, that most of today’s earthly population is not yet ready to become wise at such a high-frequency level as the Diamond energy is, and they will for sure not listen to people who are much wiser and more clever than themselves, because it will make them feel small and unworthy inside. So don’t just think of yourself if you want to change the world. You should also think of your surroundings when raising your personal energy.
It usually takes a very long time for most people to change old and/or bad habits, so don’t expect them to do it overnight, because that is how fast the Diamond energy wants things to change, which is not possible. Then you will be disappointed when it doesn’t happen, and so will those you are here to help increasing their energy.
With Love,
Anni Sennov