By Anni Sennov
Quite a lot of people are not aware of the fact that the Body Crystallization Process starts all by itself for all conscious grownups. This happens even if they have not had an AuraTransformation™. The reason being that the spirit is trying to find its way into the most physical and dense part of us to become a part of our personal energy expression. In other words one can say that the spirit is substituting the physical ego in the body, which can be quite a long process.
AuraTransformation™ is a key to opening up for the crystallization of the aura, which often activates our Body Crystallization Process, if this has not already begun by itself before the AuraTransformation™ was done.
The Body Crystallization is a longer and more dense thorough process than the Aura Crystallization which is achieved through an AuraTransformation™. The Body Crystallization has a major impact on our personal expression and appearance.
Crystallization of our personal network is the last step in each person’s overall Crystallization Process to become a Crystal Human. This is why there in these times is a far greater focus from many people on networking with other people than ever before, which I know many of my spiritual human fellows are appreciating very much.
You can read more about the Crystallization process in my books: The Crystal Human and the Crystallization Process Part I and The Crystal Human and the Crystallization Process Part II.
You can read about the Crystallization Process in Danish in Krystalmennesket & Krystalliseringprocessen and in Swedish in Kristallmänniskan och Kristalliseringsprocessen.