1st October 2017 @ 15:51
Since I have had so positive feedback on this article that was posted in my newsletter #64, I have decided to share it on my Golden Blog as well as under ‘Articles’.
“After having worked with energy, consciousness and healing for more than 25 years, I still wonder why there aren’t more spiritual people who question when it’s good/bad to work with light energy. In many cases, light energy can be as harmful as the darkness that the very same spiritual people very often distance themselves from and/or are afraid of.
However, there is no reason to fear neither the darkness nor the light. Instead, many spiritual people should update their personal consciousness and insight so that they can begin to understand the overall energy and consciousness from a modern earthly perspective where the Golden life force and creative energy dominate, and not continue to live their life based on what the big Spiritual masters said 50 or 100 years ago, where all human beings were born on soul level.”