4th August 2018 @ 00:30
Visiting our family in the US this summer was really nice and relaxing.
Visiting historical places where big American leaders like Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy were shot was really fascinating because I could feel the energy in the places so strongly. Both what actually happened when the two very influential men were shot and what certain police officers and politicians said happened without it actually taking place.
It’s amazing how history can be rewritten and/or created based on certain people’s convictions without ever taking place. We know for sure that Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy were shot in the mentioned places but seen from an energy perspective, the way the stories are told and who shut them is not completely truthful compared to what really happened.
I saw with my clairvoyant vision and I sensed with my energy how the truth had been rewritten, but unfortunately, there is not much to do about it today because the responsible persons died a long time ago and therefore they cannot get their punishment in this life as deserved.
We even visited Virginia Tech where Carsten’s aunt’s husband worked as a professor and dean for 23 years, and where a devastating shooting incident took place back in 2007 when a young student gunman killed a lot of students in the campus, like so many others have done after him in other universities, colleges and high schools in the US.
This was one of the most traumatic mass shootings that so far has taken place in the US and unfortunately shootings like that will continue to happen until the day when the American politicians finally understand that there is something totally rotten and wrong with the existing gun law(s) in a number of states in the US. The worst thing, however, is that apparently many young American students and others must sacrifice their lives for that purpose which is so sad.
The big difference between back in time when only the most influential leaders were killed when other politicians or powerful and rich people didn’t agree with them, and now when many innocent and often young people are killed is, that the number of people who have to pay with their lives for other people disagreeing with what is going on in the surrounding society has increased dramatically. Otherwise, most other people will not get up from their chairs and demonstrate or take action in other ways to make the politicians aware of the unequal conditions that exist in the American society. Today many Americans are so used to see lots of shooting and violence in famous action movies and hear about shootings in the daily news, so only when it’s one of their own relatives, friends or neighbors who is shot, they will react immediately.
I live in Copenhagen, Denmark, which is a very expensive place to live, and where all people pay very high taxes. Some of the good things about that are that all school education here is free unless you have specific wishes for your children and yourself and we don’t have to pay to go to the doctor or to the hospital, unless we want a fast and outstanding service in a private hospital. We also don’t have many homeless people in our society. Many homeless people here usually come from the Southeastern European countries where criminal people are responsible for bringing them here and stealing their money because they see a big potential for earning big money in the Nordic countries.
However, one amazing thing that is missing in Denmark compared to the US, is that more people would voluntarily step up and help those in need because when everyone is supposed to be taken care of by the state, most other people don’t see the reason why they should contribute extra to fulfil other people’s wishes and needs. So, as you can see, both good and bad things and qualities arise from different social structures around the world and that is one of the best things about traveling, because then you can get familiar with new cultures and other ways of doing things.
You can learn a lot when traveling. Much more than you can imagine. Traveling is a very powerful and unique way to expand your personal consciousness ♡