Energy Self-Defense for Love Couples – No. 4
Love is worth fighting for, but it’s not supposed to be a fight itself. Therefore, you should learn how to defend, protect and balance your own energy even when you are together with your one and only love partner.
In this book, you will find easy-to-practice and powerful mental and spiritual Energy Self-Defense tools. These tools will help you to solve problems in your relationship without causing drama, and without consulting a relationship coach.
If you are meant to be a love couple, then using the 5-Step Energy Self-Defense Plan for Love Couples described in this book might just be the Spiritual Energy Makeover that is right for you to help you and your partner to deepen your relationship.
Read and learn, and be surprised to find out how easy problems disappear when you approach them in an alternative and new way.
“This is a really great book! I like how balanced and honest it is, and very very practical. It is refreshingly packed with things to learn, be aware of, and keep in mind, and also the information comes from a really grounded place. Altogether very thought provoking. It was an absolute pleasure to read it. Loved it!”
/Aislinn Gagliardi
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Författare: Anni & Carsten Sennov
Förlag: Good Adventures Publishing
ISBN13: 9788772060033
Antal sidor: 57